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Read Our Patients' Testimonials

I felt amazing afterwards. I have no anxiety, zero panic attacks since. - J.S.

I tried chiropractic, physical therapy with a friend who is a physical therapist, medication patches, cortisone injections from my doctor, ice, rest, everything. What you did gave me the most relief. - B.G.

I sleep 1,000 times better now. - A.V.

I tried other acupuncturists near my college and their treatments aren't the same as yours. I don't relax there like I did during your treatments. I can't wait to come back during my next break. See you soon. -B.R.

No meds, doctors, or physical therapy have given complete relief like this. - F.R.

I felt so relaxed. I've never felt anything that relaxing before. I felt a wave through my body from my head to my feet and all the way down my arms. - Detective, Bridgeport Police Dept.

I can't believe I've had arm spasms everyday for years and after one session, they're completely gone. Was it just a coincidence or did this really do something? I didn't expect it to work that fast. I'm thankful for you. - Local business owner

I think people just don't have very many opportunities in everyday life to get to experience a level of deep relaxation like this. So I know this is your artform... but I get into "a space" here that is so deep, where I process on such a different level. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate the sessions. - R.F.H.

I'm able to do more now. I can do things longer. I feel very positive about this. My attitude about what I can do is also changing. - Patient with scoliosis

I have never been that relaxed in my life. I'm not the type of person that relaxes. - A.K. (post open-heart surgery)

That was exactly what I needed. I feel so much calmer now. (major relief from anxiety, stress, exhaustion during first trimester of pregnancy) - L.E.

Two days after my 2nd session, my hot flashes completely disappeared. I'm also sleeping through the night and don't have to wake up to use the bathroom but my water intake isn't any different than usual. My anxiety is lower but the issues in my life are exactly the same. I'm able to handle stress better. - A.H.

I moved to NY and I just haven't been able to find an acupuncturist like you. I've tried! I don't feel relaxed during their treatments as much as I did at yours. But I appreciate you taking care of my parents. They wouldn't be quite as zen without seeing you. I miss your treatments! Thank you! - M.A.

I don’t feel as stressed anymore. I used to have shaky hands and knots in my stomach. I haven’t since coming here.” - (Post cosmetic surgery) H.S.

I crashed due to working non-stop during quarantine. I was really run down when I came here. I felt completely depleted. After acupuncture treatments, I’m surprised I’m not feeling more stress. I had an emergency last night with work but I feel really great. Overall I’m better.” - HR Director

I have to tell you that I felt like a completely different person the next day. I felt so calm. It wasn't like myself. I haven't slept this well in years. - LS

I feel great, like my depression is lifting. I'm finally able to relax. I could handle more stress at work throughout the week. Very effective, I thought. - A.R.

I’m so much calmer compared to before. I handle things differently now. Coming here is part of that. Even if it’s an hour to rest and do nothing. I didn’t have that before. These treatments have been everything for me. -Corporate Executive

“I was so relaxed. I slept so soundly, so deeply afterwards. I was out.” - Acupuncture for Night Terrors and Insomnia

I have been sleeping so much better since starting acupuncture. That's been a blessing. My anxiety has been better. I can keep my cool better with my kids. My husband notices it too. It's been dramatically different. - T.Y.

"I am better overall. I feel grateful. I'm happy about my life. Nothing could be better. I'm coping well with problems. My emotions are stabilized. It's a dramatic change." - F.A. (Acupuncture for cancer symptoms, etc)

"I definitely feel a shift. I have clarity, a positive mentality. I'm mentally processing a lot. I'm in the very beginning stages of letting go of stuff I didn't even know I was holding on to. I didn't know acupuncture could be like this. Another big change I'm making is that I'm not shoving food into my mouth at my desk." - S.E. (Acupuncture for indigestion, nutritional counseling, lifestyle changes)

I had the best weekend. I was able to be up and active all day without wanting to put my head down on a pillow and cry.  -L.W. (Acupuncture after neck surgery) 

I’m used to having five headaches a week. (After 2 sessions) I had one headache last week. That is a huge improvement for me!! I usually get flustered and anxious in traffic. I asked myself “Why am I doing this to myself?” I breathed, drank more water, kept my shoulders down. This is the first time I’ve ever calmed myself down like that. - G.R. (Stress management/migraine treatments)

Before I used to feel my anxiety in my head. I felt like my energy went down into my body. I feel so much more clear-minded. That's the main thing. I felt energized. I practiced the meditation and mindfulness for several days. -DM

That was one of the most relaxing acupuncture treatments I've ever had. - CG

I still haven't had a headache. It's been two weeks. That's awesome. I feel less anxious. The dizziness is less and less frequent. I feel like I've been managing myself better. I'm more patient, calmer. It's been so helpful. - A.D.

I felt great after the last session. I have so much energy. - SA

I feel so, so, much better: Calm. Relaxed. Centered. Your work is amazing. Thank you!!! - M, triathlete

I felt more integrated after one treatment. Afterwards, in hindsight, I realized that I spent a lot of time in my head. I ride a motorcycle and after the treatment, I had one of the most enjoyable rides in so many years. - D.C.

Whatever you did to my neck last week worked because I have no more pain. I have much better range of motion. I can turn my head easily and I don't have the clicking sounds in my neck anymore. - Nurse

I have so much more mobility! I’m bending in ways I couldn’t before. Fantastic! - (Hip/Groin Pain) - M.G.

I felt so great after the last treatment that I threw the football around with my kids over the long weekend. I haven't done that in ages. That was after I did yard work for several hours. My shoulder and hip felt so great. I actually called my Dad to tell him about how great I felt. - C.G.

I used to have migraines and take medicine everyday. This is the longest I've gone without a migraine and without taking any medication. It's working. I hope my husband will start coming in, too. -Y.D.

That was the most amazing thing I've experienced in my life." - D.C.

It feels like you hit all the areas spot on. I noticed a huge improvement that night and I haven't had the pain or tightness again.  (TMJ relief) - M.W.

The acupuncture has helped so much. I thought those were going to be life-long injuries. I'm surprised that this has helped my back pain as much as it has. - S.J.

My wife is rational again. It is like night and day. You've given me my wife back and possibly my life back. - Husband's report after wife received acupuncture for psychiatric disorder, acute insomnia 

My neck and shoulder feel 10,000 times better. My back isn't giving me problems anymore. It's definitely working. -D.N.

I have to say, my plantar fasciitis is a "-3" now. Yesterday it was a +15!!! - A.H.

Now I swallow and I wonder why I don't feel the lump in my throat anymore. - (PTSD and post-thyroid-cancer scare) - J.R.

The range of motion in my neck is so much better. It's nothing like what it was. -KM

Walking on air. - N.C.   (After one treatment for swollen ankles)

You popped a "balloon" in my sinus pressure. It all cleared up after one treatment. I can breathe again. - A.B.

I can't believe that I don't have the pain anymore. I've had it for so long, I almost can't believe that it wasn't hurting last week. I do notice the relief after the treatments. - J.F.

I'm still not sure how acupuncture works but I feel so much better, I don't care what you have to do as long as the pain stays away. - V.B. 17 yo athlete

I feel stronger, ready to handle what's to come in my life. I feel ready to be a Father again and take on the responsibilities, now more than before. The timing of meeting you and getting these treatments was so perfect. I've noticed incredible improvements, a real upwards spiral. Thanks so much for your help throughout the last several months. - E.G.

I know how my back is doing by how much pain I feel during my walks. I have not had to think about my back for several days now. It's really a big improvement. I have been seeing a chiropractor once a week since last Fall but I haven't noticed any real improvements. I've gotten the biggest improvements since starting acupuncture. I'm very happy with the results. I don't want to talk about it too much because I don't jinx it. - A.B. (scoliosis and car accident)

You are good at what you do. I see improvements in my prostate, urination flow, and my knees are better. I am surprised by this. You should let all your male clients know about these results you can get for prostate issues. - F.A.

I feel back in my body. Thanks for your treatment! - Naturopathic Doctor

After the first visit, I've honestly seen 30% reduction in anxiety. It's not crippling anymore. After the second treatment, I don't feel fear everyday anymore. It's not the same as when I started. I now have the strength and will power to not smoke. It's been 2 weeks since my last cigarette. I also cut out coffee and drink less alcohol. Things have definitely changed. - GH

I am feeling happier. I have more energy. I'm exercising again, going for more walks now. I don't feel as much dread starting the day. My husband has noticed that I'm happier, too. - KA

I love coming here. I feel incredible during these sessions. There's something about acupuncture that I just love. I get into a meditative state when I'm on the table with the needles in. It's so mind-clearing. My Dad taught me how to meditate when I was a kid, and acupuncture is like that but for my whole body too. It's helping me get through the stress of exams and college, and becoming more independent and living on my own. I can't wait for the next treatment. - L.S.

After my second appointment, two days later there was a DRAMATIC improvement in my ability to lift myself from a sitting position. My legs had less pain. My neck was able to hold my head up without strain. I'm very excited at how well Katherine has been able to help me. -TDA

Whatever you've been doing has really helped. My pain started off as a 9/10 (on the pain scale), and now it's down to a 2 or 3 at most. - J.P.

I had foot pain going on for years and years and years. Nothing that anybody did helped. All they said was we'd have to have surgery. I can't tell you how much this has helped. Thank you. - CB, Runner

My knee was amazing after the last session! I take no medication now. I was feeling superfine. When I came in, I was very very unsettled. I feel more in control now. This has been so therapeutic for me, mind and body. I'm so glad I found you. - R.F.S.

Very impressive. I’m glad to find an acupuncturist like Katherine nearby who is familiar with meditation. She’s skilled at finding the problem and making connections that you never would have thought of. She will talk with you so that you realize things during the treatment and even afterwards. Very unique- J.S. Analyst

Testimonials - Katherine Kim Acupuncture Arts in Westport, Fairfield, CT


Katherine Kim Acupuncture Arts
212 Post Road West
Westport, CT 06880 USA

Hartford Healthcare
St. Vincent's Cancer Institute, Wellness Spa, 3rd Floor
2800 Main St. Bridgeport, CT 06606

Dr. Katherine Echo Kim, LAc.
Doctor of Acupuncture
Integrative Medicine Specialist
AcuDetox Specialist

By Appointment Only
Call/Txt (203)451-9865