Pediatric Lifestyle Medicine
Dr. Kim provides holistic pediatric wellness for children (ages in utero through 21 years old) in Westport, CT and via telehealth.
We address a range of pediatric lifestyle issues:
- Pain: Injury, rehab, competitive sports, etc
- Stress: Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, PTSD
- Mood: Anger, sadness, worry, frustration, severe irritability, etc
- ADHD, sensory processing issues, OCD, tics, hair pulling (trichotillomania)
- Sleep hygiene, sleep training: Insomnia, early waking, nightmares, etc
- School: Refusal, 504/IEP, GATE, college prep, perfectionism, etc.
- Nutrition: Food refusal, picky eaters, ED, ARFID, disordered body image, etc
- Digestion: Nausea, vomiting, H pylori, IBS, celiac disease, GERD, Crohn's, etc
- GI symptoms: Constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, belching, indigestion, etc
- Potty training: Bedwetting, anxiety, refusal, delays
- Urologic conditions: UTI pain, frequent urination, etc
- Autoimmune and allergy issues
- Alcohol or drug exploration, prevention or recovery: Vaping, alcohol, drugs, social media, video games, screens, etc
- Development of Self-identity: Gender, sexuality, relationships, religion, etc
- Social issues: Bullying, relationships, racism, immigration, adoption, etc.
- Major life transitions: Death of loved one, divorce, trauma, abuse, loss, etc.
- Suicidal behavior, self-harm
- Questions about family lifestyle and genetic medical issues
Questions welcome by texting/calling us directly at (203)451-9865 EST.
Katherine Kim Acupuncture Arts
212 Post Road West
Westport, CT 06880 USA
Westport: M, Tu, Th & F.
For Appointments, Call or Text
1+(203)451-9865 EST
Dr. Kim is at Hartford Healthcare
St. Vincent's Cancer Institute (Bridgeport) on Wednesdays. Appointments are available for patients of the Cancer Institute only.
Virtual Appointments Available
Connecticut & New York